
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Something to share today

1) Today I met a friend on my way home, stop at the cafe and had coffee. We chat a lot, about guys thing of course and I'm going to share a part of that conversation.
So he let me know that he is currently having a crush on this girl and after a long haul finally, he get the chance to ask her out for a casual date. First date.

To ensure my friend's privacy and safety, lets use G as his name. So my friend G, he was struggling with himself. About what? He has asked a question that I think most of us will ask
What brand should I wear on this special date?

Well my opinion is, you don't need to be branded to impress someone.
Why? because he/she is not interested with what brand that you're wearing.
if he/she does, then its not worth dating with such person, logic?

Think from a different angle, the other side. Its not what you're wearing, its all about what you carry inside, the moment you step in the crowd and create a mood.
Just like wearing a crown in a crowd__to be special and all the attention is focusing on you. Why worry about what you're going to wear for a date? There is nothing to worry about actually. Your opponent agrees for a date because he/she likes you the way you are!NOTE Like is NOT LOVE, don't get fuss or confused.

Be comfortable with yourself and believe me, without you realizing you're actually boosting your self-confidence, and that is what we all like about. In this way, you'll make your partner get In-Love with you, this is it? Yes. This chemistry is easy but lots of us screwed-up because of some.....fake facts.

Its important to love ourselves first, before we start loving someone else :D

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